Meet The Devs @ CosmicSwap

May 5, 2021


As part of our team’s self-doxxing, we’d like to introduce our seekers out there to who we are, starting with our devs, the Defi Network:

About our Devs

Our dev team is consists of 2 engineers, Chaitenya Gupta (@ChaitenyaG) and Mihir (@that_one_nerdy_). They’re a team of full stack engineers based out of California that have been working away super hard on this product we can’t wait to share with all of you.

The Defi Network is officially registered as a business under the state of California as The Defi Network LLC and have the entity number 202105510443. Link to the page to see for yourself here:

Thanks for reading, next time we’ll have some more info on the rest of the team. Till then keep an eye on the stars seekers!

