How to Transfer Funds to Polygon and Participate in CosmicSwap Polygon Presale using MetaMask

5 min readJun 10, 2021


The Polygon presale is coming closer by the minute. The presale is set for the 14th of June at 6pm UTC. The presale contract address will be released 24 hours before the go live time. Our last presale on the BSC sold out in 3 minutes so you will want to be ready if you are going to participate. You can follow the live countdown here:

Below you will find a detailed explanation on how to send funds to the presale contract address in order to participate. Firstly, you will need funds on the Polygon Network.

If you are not familiar with MATIC/POLYGON, it is a layer 2 network built on the Ethereum blockchain. Therefore, it is on a different network than the Binance Smart Chain where $COSMIC is currently on. Find more about Polygon and MATIC token here:

There is also a faucet whereby you can get a very small amount of MATIC token to cover the gas fees. You will only need a very small amount as the gas fees are fractions of a cent. The website can be found here:

Once you have set up your Metamask on the network (found in the previous medium article), there are multiple ways to transfer assets over onto MATIC.

The first way is the most known way. This is by using the official and using the Ethereum network to bridge assets over to MATIC. This, however, will cost a lot in transaction fees due to using the Ethereum network. This is more for people who already have funds on the Eth network and understand the fees for doing transaction on the Eth network.

Make sure to use the PoS Bridge as the other plasma method will take up to 7 days to receive your funds.

The second way is to use the website If you don’t already have an account, you can create one here X but please be aware, it will take up to 24 hours in order to be able to withdraw funds. So, make sure to set up your account in time before the presale goes live.

Here you can withdraw USDC natively on the MATIC network and then use quickswap or sushiswap on the MATIC network to trade USDC for MATIC.

Alternatively, you can withdraw MATIC too. This option was disabled but seems available at the moment. Just check to see if it is or not. This method is subject to Ascendex having withdrawals open, as if they are temporarily suspended you may need to use alternative options.


There are also multiple bridges that 3rd party projects have built to bring funds over from the BSC to MATIC. This might be popular if you have a lot of funds on the BSC and do not want to create an account on Ascendex. However, these websites are often in beta and do not have customer support (unless you ask for help in their telegram). Use these websites at your own risk. They are not involved with CosmicSwap.

Now that you have funds on the Polygon Network, you will need to send MATIC tokens to the presale contract address when it goes live at 14th June at 6pm UTC. Do not send funds before this time as the transaction will fail.

Step 1.

In Metamask, press the send icon.

Step 2.

Copy the presale address and paste into the highlighted box above.

Step 3.

Select the amount of MATIC you want to invest. Remember the minimum is 60 MATIC and the maximum is 2200. Next, set the gas price to 10 and the gas limit 250,000.

Step 4.

Your MetaMask should look something similar to this. Once you have double checked that everything is correct, go ahead and confirm the transaction. You are now done. Remember there is a vesting period so you will be able to claim 10% of your presale allocation roughly every 24 hours so in theory you will have 100% of your presale allocation after 10 days.

If you have added USDC or anything token for that matter, you can exchange it for MATIC tokens at


  • This is not financial advice and you are liable if you make a mistake. Make sure to check everything you do twice!
  • No admins from CosmicSwap will personally message you, so please be safe and do not provide any personal information to anyone DM’ing you asking for private keys, funds, or personal information.

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